School Profile

Ysgol Penmorfa

Ysgol Penmorfa Profile

Location: Find a school in LL19 8SY or in

Ysgol Penmorfa is a bilingual primary school located in the town of Prestatyn in North Wales. It is part of the Denbighshire Local Education Authority and has been consistently rated as a good school by Estyn and Ofsted inspectors. The school's ethos focuses on the values of being appreciative, respectful, and ambitious, and engaging in the Welsh language and culture is an integral part of school life. The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum, including enrichment activities and opportunities for learning outside of the classroom. Ysgol Penmorfa is a vibrant learning community with excellent teachers who strive to ensure the best outcomes for all their pupils.*

GSSLA Code Name: W06000004

Boarders: Not applicable

Special Classes: Not applicable

Head: (Headteacher)

Administrative Ward: Prestatyn Central

Physical Addres

Dawson Drive Prestatyn Denbighshire

LL19 8SY

Postal Addres

Dawson Drive Prestatyn Denbighshire

LL19 8SY

Nearby Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities available at Ysgol Penmorfa at Dawson Drive Prestatyn include swimming, music, art and sport.

Public Transport

The nearest public transport near Ysgol Penmorfa at Dawson Drive, Prestatyn LL19 8SY is provided by Arriva and is in the form of bus services. The nearest bus stops are located at Coronation Road and on Meliden Road. There are also a number of other bus services that can be used to travel to and from Prestatyn, including the 277, X28 and X4 services, which all pass through the town centre. These services can be used to travel to nearby Rhyl, Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and other destinations across North Wales.

Shops and Restaurants in the area

Shops and restaurants near Ysgol Penmorfa at Dawson Drive Prestatyn LL19 8SY include a branch of Tesco, two convenience stores, a petrol station, a bakery, a pub and a Chinese restaurant.

School Fees

There are no school fees at Ysgol Penmorfa at Dawson Drive Prestatyn.

School Social Media

The facebook, twitter, instagram, Pinterest and linkedin pages for Ysgol Penmorfa at Dawson Drive Prestatyn LL19 8SY are as follows:
Facebook Page: Ysgol-Penmorfa-Dawson-Drive-Prestatyn- LL19-8SY-14390680191978/?ref=hl
Twitter Page: YsgolPenmorfa
Instagram Page: YsgolPenmorfa/
Pinterest Page: YsgolPenmorfa/
LinkedIn Page: Ysgol-Penmorfa-Dawson-Drive-Prestatyn

Additional Contact Info

Phone: +44 (0)1745 857371
Email: [email protected]

Contact Details

Telephone: 1745852757

Parliamentary Constituency: Vale of Clwyd
Administrative Ward: Prestatyn Central
Geographic Location: Urban city and town
LSOA: Denbighshire 002A
Special Classes: Not applicable

Admissions Policy:


FAQs - Ysgol Penmorfa

Ysgol Penmorfa currently has pupils attending from ages to .

  • Girls:
  • Boys:

The listed Religious Character for Ysgol Penmorfa is .

Ysgol Penmorfa Boarder policy is defined as: Not applicable<

Ysgol Penmorfa currently has pupils attending from ages to .

Ysgol Penmorfa is a Not applicable school.

Ysgol Penmorfa has a pupil capacity of .

  • Teen Mothers: Not applicable
  • Child care facilities: Not applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN) program: No current program .

Ysgol Penmorfa is Welsh Establishment.

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